Lenten Worship Service
Join us in the Sanctuary for Lenten Service and The Passion History.
Join us in the Sanctuary for Lenten Service and The Passion History.
Join us in The Great Hall for Lenten Dinner and Devotion.
Bring a food item to share if you would like.
All are welcome!
Join us in the Sanctuary for Lenten Service and The Passion History.
Join us in The Great Hall for Lenten Dinner and Devotion.
Bring a Food item or dessert to share if you would like.
All are welcome!
Join us in the Sanctuary for Lenten Service and The Passion History.
Join us in The Great Hall for Lenten Dinner and Devotion.
Bring a food item or dessert to share if you would like.
All are welcome!
Join us in The Sanctuary for Lenten Service and The Passion History.
Join us in The Great Hall for Lenten Dinner and Devotion.
Bring a ‘Family Favorite’ dish or dessert to share if you would like.
All are welcome!
Join us in the Sanctuary for Lenten Service and The Passion History.
Join us in The Great Hall for Lenten Dinner and Devotion.
Bring a food item or dessert to share if you would like.
All are welcome!
Join us for Passion Sunday Worship. A Greater Type of King!
Process with Palms, sing, pray, and hear the account of our Savior’s Passion from Luke’s Gospel.
Worship 8 & 10:30am Bible Hour 9:15am
Good Friday worship services at 12 PM and 7 PM
Join us in The Sanctuary as we witness
God’s Perfect Sacrifice through His Word.
Holy Communion will be served.
Join us in The Sanctuary as we witness
God’s Perfect Sacrifice through His Word.
Holy Communion will be served.
Bring a dish of lasagna, garlic bread, or salad to share in between
Ash Wednesday services.
Lenten Services in the Sanctuary at 4:00pm and 7:00pm.
Begin the Lenten journey to the cross with us at 4 pm or 7pm.
"For dust you are, and to dust you will return."
The Chili Cookoff will be held directly after church un-decorating.
Church un-decorating begins after the 10:30 am service.
If you want to partake in the Chili Competition, email Christopher Langley by Saturday, January 5th.
Online and In-person 10:30am Livestream Worship https://www.youtube.com/c/SolaFideLutheran
Be our guest this Christmas! Whether you join in-person worship and rediscover the joy of community or participate from home, we look forward to having you with us. Come hear about the child who lived for us, died for us, and rose from the dead for us. God sent his son into the world to bring peace and joy meant for you. Our worship will feature an inspiring message, favorite Christmas carols, and a place to hear the Good News of Great Joy.
A Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.
Dec 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Online & in-person: 5:00pm
Dec 25 Christmas Day Worship Online & in-person: 10:30am
Livestream Worship https://www.youtube.com/c/SolaFideLutheran/featured
All students of Sola Fide Academy will present their Christmas Program at 7 PM. Families and friends are encouraged to attend.
Join us for our midweek Advent Services beginning Wednesday, December 4th as we prepare our hearts for the coming of our Savior.
4:00pm Advent Service in the Church Sanctuary
6:30pm Dinner and Devotion in the Great Hall
December 4th
December 11th
December 18th
Advent Tea is an afternoon of tea, treats, Scripture readings, and music. Ladies of Sola Fide are encouraged to bring a friend, decorate their table, and spend time looking ahead to Jesus' birth.
Find more information and sign up at www.solafide.com/adventtea
Come and join us as we decorate our Sanctuary for Advent and Christmas.
We will have snacks with Chips & Salsa. after decorating.
Come and join us for Thanksgiving Worship as we give thanks and praise to God for all the blessings that we have received during this past year.
Following the service we will enjoy pie and fellowship!
Fall Games & contests
Soccer &/or Kickball
Bring a dessert to share for the Dessert Table if you would like.
Work will start by 9:00am
If you would like to start earlier, you certainly are welcome to do so!
Join us for our Fall Fish Fry- Saturday, October 5th at 6:30pm.
Bring a healthy appetite!
A freewill offering will be received to offset the cost of fish, oil, and condiments.
Bring a side dish or dessert to share if you would like to.
Come and enjoy some fun and fellowship in The Great Hall.
Please join us in The Great Hall for Dad Jokes & Desserts!
Bring your funniest, clean dad joke and your favorite bite sized dessert to share.
You might even win a PRIZE!!!
Laughter is the best medicine!
Camp South is an opportunity for rising 4th-9th grade students to bond with other Christians in a fun and adventurous environment for a week in July.
Please check out the cost, registration, and schedule at the link below
Sola Fide Carnival
Eats, Treats, and Games
Fun, Food, and Friends
Come find enjoyment for All.
Share your name and phone number if you want us to text you a reminder during the week before the carnival.
We begin our Summer Worship schedule of 9:00 am Worship on May 26, 2024.
9:00am Worship
10:15am Bible Study in The Great Hall.
Join us for Worship then coffee and fellowship as we study God’s Word together.
8:00am Worship
9:15am Confirmand Examination
10:30am Worship and Confirmation
11:45am Reception in The Great Hall
Please join us for cake and refreshments, everyone is welcome!
LWMS Spring Rally 2024 will be Hosted by Abiding Faith Lutheran Church
Smyrna, Tennessee
Morning Guest Speaker - Pastor Alan Gumm
Presentation Theme: “What does the early Church, The Apostles, Barnabas, The WELS, and LWMS have in common? Answer: Oreos”
Afternoon Guest Speaker - Susan Hanson
Presentation: Comfort, Joy and the gift of prayer
Morning and Afternoon Devotions - Pastor Paul Schleiss
Join us for Easter Services and Fellowship as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus!
Sunrise Service 7:00am
Easter Breakfast 8:30am
Egg Hunt 9:30am
Festival Service 10:00am
The Great Easter Vigil - A Sabbath Rest.
Come spend a quiet hour meditating on Scripture and song
as we wait for the dawn of Resurrection.
Women’s Bible Study will resume our study on Wednesday January 17th. We will be watching Season 3 of The Chosen and discussing. We meet Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the Great Hall. If you’ve never been, please come!
Join us for New Years Eve Morning Worship as we close out 2023 and look ahead to the blessings of a New Year in 2024.
Worship online or in-person at 10:30am No Bible Hour
Sola Fide Lutheran Church, Lawrenceville
will be hosting the 2023 LWMS Fall Rally.
“I am the vine; you are the branches.” John 15:5
Presentations by Rev. Andrew Johnston
8:00am Registration and Breakfast
9:00am Opening Devotion
9:30am Business Meeting
10:30am Rev. Johnston Presentation
11:30am Lunch
12:45pm Rev. Johnston Presentation
1:45pm Closing Devotion
Church Reporters please rsvp by October 15th via email: rsvp@solafide.com
Lodging recommendation: Hampton Inn & Suites, Snellville, GA
Join us as we celebrate Mission Festival Sunday.
Worship Services at 8:00am or 10:30am and Bible Hour at 9:15am
Our Guest Preacher for this Mission Festival will be Pastor Daniel Heiderich from Good News Lutheran Church in Lehi, Utah.
Good News Lutheran is in the middle of the rapidly changing state of Utah. Nestled between Salt Lake City and Provo (home of Brigham Young University), Lehi is one of the nation’s fastest growing cities. With technology as the main industry, people are relocating to Utah County from all around the world. By God’s grace and because of Christ alone, we celebrate their five-year church anniversary this month.
Come to Bible Study Hour, eat a great breakfast, and help raise money to offset the cost of Camp South. Pancakes, sausages, fruit and other tasty treats will be served for a freewill donation. We will begin after the 8 AM service.
Registration Deadline July 6
What: 4-person scramble
Catered lunch is provided
On-course refreshments and a goody bag at registration
Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin contests
Catered Lunch and awards afterwards
Silent Auction and Raffle Prizes
Where: Château Élan Golf Club
6060 Golf Club Dr, Braselton, GA 30517
(678) 425-6050
When: Thursday July 20, 2023
Registration starts 7:30 AM
Golf begins 9 AM
Reception starts 1:30 PM
Cost: $125 per Player
$500 per Team
$20 optional Two Mulligans and a Raffle Ticket
Contact: Pastor Lewis (251) 753-3507
Jacob Lewis (251) 973- 8622
Aidan Lewis (251) 753-5068
Attention all Sola Fide Seniors!
Come together for some fellowship and food in the Great Hall.
Bring a dish to pass if you would like.
Contact Judy Zech with questions.
For rising Kindergartners through 8th graders
9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Shirt included!